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Anjan Kumar

Anjan Kumar

Market Intelligence and Strategic Consulting, Powertrain and Electric Vehicles

16 years of automotive strategy consulting and research experience, having worked on more than 80 opportunity assessment and strategy formulation engagements with Global clients. Expertise in:

  • Market modeling & forecasting
  • Competitive Intelligence, Benchmarking & positioning
  • Go-to market strategy formulation
  •  New business model analysis and evaluation
  • Diversification and new market entry
  • Innovation and product development

All Sessions by Anjan Kumar

EV CHARGING DAY - 2 14 May 2024
10:00 - 10:30

Opportunities for E-mobility and Infrastructure Players

1. Overview of XEV Market – Global vs USA Developments in EV Charging Station Infrastructure– USA Trends within the Charging Station Infrastructure Arena
2. Developments in EV Charging Station Infrastructure– USA
3. Trends within the Charging Station Infrastructure Arena

Carbon Capture Day1 10 February 2025
15:00 - 15:30

Coffee Break