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Konstantin Osypov

Konstantin Osypov

Konstantin Osypov is a Chief Scientific Advisor at Halliburton. He leads the R&D team for Subsurface Uncertainty in Computational Sciences & Engineering for Energy. He is a Digital Transformation Leader focused on adopting AI emerging technologies to characterize the subsurface and optimizing exploration and field development by uncertainty quantification. Konstantin is an internationally renowned expert in seismic imaging and inversion with more than 100 published papers. Over the years, he has worked on various assignments with Schlumberger, Chevron and Aramco Houston Research Center before joining Halliburton. He also holds multiple leadership positions with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE). Konstantin has a Ph.D. in Geophysics from St. Petersburg University and postdoctoral experience with Uppsala University and Colorado School of Mines.

All Sessions by Konstantin Osypov